Armando Sosa

Developer / designer hybrid from Mexico.

Misogyny in Mexico’s Tech Scene

This week, my city is the host for the Campus Party, a technology festival that is the most popular tech happening in Latin America. This is, for the most part, a great event. Our tech infustry is not very big, and our community is tight but scattered, so we cherish every chance we got of gathering.

Sadly, two two horrible things happened yesterday:

In the morning, MiPC, decided that the best way to advertise their crappy computer shops is the crass objectification of women. One would think that, in light of the recent controversies around booth babes in tech, the organisers would take a clue. Nope, they took it to the next level instead.


But, if this incident was not horrible enough, that same night an awful talk titled “Hacking Women” was presented. A sorry pickup-artistry attempt disguised as life-hacking advice.


If you don’t read spanish, this are the points in the slide at...

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